Teachers, we want to Skype with your classroom

I know there are several teachers with classes reading this blog.  We would like to visit a select number of classrooms via Skype (or an alternate media, possibly Vyew) over the next 2-3 weeks to share some of our experiences and to let students ask questions.  As you might be able to tell from reading this blog we have to retain a certain amount of flexability in our schedule in order to take advantage of changing conditions.  As a result we don’t know how many calls we can accomodate.  Priority will be given to teachers with whom I’ve already communicated with on this subject (including teachers of the PSBB Millenium School), followed by first-come first-serve.  You can sign up via Google Docs here.  Once I have the information specified on the sign up sheet I will email you to arrange a specific day and time that works for your class and to work out any technical issues.

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