I’m thrilled to learn that my CAREER proposal was just funded by NSF-OPP, though I’m slightly disappointed that they made me change the title from IM-HAPPIER: Investigating Marine Heterotrophic Antarctic Processes, Paradigms, and Inferences through Research and Education to Understanding Microbial Heterotrophic Processes in Coastal Antarctic Waters. Apparently NSF is the only federal agency that doesn’t like a good acronym. This project will address open questions regarding the diversity and ecological function of heterotrophic bacteria and protists in coastal Antarctica. In particular there will be an emphasis on better understanding the mechanisms of bacterial mortality (i.e. protist bacterivory and viral lysis) and the implications for carbon flow through Antarctic marine ecosystems.

This project means that after heading north for MOSAiC in 2020, the lab will be heading south for two field seasons in Antarctica. That work will be spearheaded by incoming PhD student Beth Connors. Although several lab members have or will soon be participating in the Palmer LTER cruise along the western Antarctic Peninsula, I haven’t been to the WAP since 2015. Looking forward to going back!

CAREER proposals emphasize both education and research, so in addition to field, laboratory, and modeling work we will be developing a new summer Junior Academy course for Sally Ride Science on polar ecology and oceanography.
rock on!