Category Archives: Uncategorized
A simple solution for continuous, real-time monitoring with the Seabird SUNAV2 over RS232
Over the last couple of years we’ve been trying to operate a Seabird SUNAV2 for continuous, real-time nitrate observations as part of the Scripps Ecological Observatory effort. At the start of the project this seemed like a simple thing… verify … Continue reading
New postdoctoral position in pathogen ecology
The Bowman Lab has a new position open for a postdoc in viral pathogen ecology. The postdoc will join a dynamic team of experimentalists, ecological modelers, and physical oceanographers working to understand the distribution of and exposure risk to norovirus … Continue reading
Seeking postdoc in phytoplankton ecology
The Bowman Lab seeks a postdoctoral researcher for a two-year project to investigate patterns in phytoplankton community composition across molecular time series collected at the Ellen Browning Scripps Memorial Pier at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and the Cal Polytechnic … Continue reading
Recent blog post by PhD student Beth Connors
Check out this recent blog post written by PhD student Beth Connors for International Women in Science Day!
New postdoctoral research opportunity!
Andrew Barton ( and Jeff Bowman ( at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego are recruiting a postdoc to study interactions among marine microbes, inferred from regular genomic measurements and cell images taken at Scripps … Continue reading
Lab manager position open!
We’re on the hunt for a lab manager/senior lab technician to take on a variety of key tasks in the Bowman Lab. The position is being advertised at the Staff Research Associate II level and the ideal applicant will have … Continue reading
Tutorial: altering an existing NPZ model
I had the recent pleasure this summer of teaching high school students as a part of a Sally Ride Science Junior Academy. My class was called Polar Microbes, and we discussed adaptations to environments unique to the poles and the … Continue reading
Looking back to South Bay Salt Works 2019
Many thanks to Michelle Babcock, communications specialist for the OAST project, for producing this great video of our 2019 field effort at the South Bay Salt Works in San Diego. This field effort was supposed to be a low-key opportunity … Continue reading
CUREing microbes ASBMB2020 presentation
In a sign of the times here’s Ana Barral’s virtual presentation for the 2020 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology meeting (held remotely). It’s a nice summary of the initial results of our course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) on … Continue reading