Category Archives: Uncategorized
New paper on seagrass microbial ecology
We have a new paper out today on the impacts of coastal seagrasses on the microbial community structure of San Diego Bay. I’m excited about this paper as the first student-led study to come out of my lab. The study … Continue reading
New paper on Antarctic microbial dark matter
I’m happy to report that I have a new paper out this week in Frontiers in Microbiology titled Identification of Microbial Dark Matter in Antarctic Environments. I thought that it would be interesting to see how well different Antarctic environments … Continue reading
AbSciCon session on life in high salt habitats
Abstract submissions are open for AbSciCon 2019! You can check out the full selection of sessions here, however, I’d like to draw your attention toward the session Salty Goodness: Understanding life, biosignature preservation, and brines in the Solar System. This … Continue reading
South Bay Saltworks
This is a quick post of a few photos from our trip to the South Bay Saltworks earlier this week. Thanks to PhD students Natalia, Emelia, and Srishti for getting up early to go play in the mud, and to … Continue reading
Saturday morning at the office
Sometimes working weekends can be a lot of fun. Last Saturday morning we carried out the second Scripps Institution of Oceanography visit by undergraduate biology majors from National University for our NSF-funded project CURE-ing Microbes on Ocean Plastics. We recovered … Continue reading
Introducing OAST
This post has been a long time in coming! I’m happy to announce that our Oceans Across Space and Time (OAST) proposal to the NASA Astrobiology Program has been funded, launching a 5 year, 8+ institution effort to improve life … Continue reading
NASA Postdoctoral Program opportunity
A new NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) opportunity was posted today for our Oceans Across Space and Time (OAST) initiative. What’s OAST? I can’t tell you yet, because the relevant press releases have been stuck in purgatory for several weeks. Hopefully … Continue reading
We’re joining MOSAiC!
This has been a (rare) good week for funding decisions. A loooooong time ago when I was a third year PhD student I wrote a blog post that mentioned the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) … Continue reading
CURE-ing microbes on ocean plastic
I was excited to learn today that our proposal CURE-ing microbes on ocean plastic, led by collaborators Ana Barral and Rachel Simmons at National University, was just funded by the National Science Foundation through the Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) program. … Continue reading
A practical lesson in marine metals
This week Alyssa Demko from the Jenkins Lab and I dove to make repairs on our sample pump intake on the SIO pier. Very soon the pump will supply water to our membrane inlet mass spectrometer and biological sampling manifold, … Continue reading