Cayapas-Mataje Redux

Natalia Erazo and I are on our way back from an amazing week of sampling in the Cayapas-Mataje Ecological Reserve in northern Ecuador. We first visited the reserve in 2017 and have been anxious to return ever since. Our objectives on this trip were to collect water column and sediment samples to test hypotheses about how shrimp aquaculture impacts mangrove forest health and biogeochemical cycling in mangrove-dominated estuaries. Cayapas-Mataje is an ideal place for this study. The reserve is the largest of its kind along the Pacific Coast of Latin America. The presence of the reserve has prevented the large-scale conversion of mangrove forest to shrimp aquaculture (as has happened further south in Muisne and other parts of the country), however, there are a number of facilities – some quite large – that existed prior to the establishment of the reserve. Thus relatively “pristine” forest can be found immediately adjacent highly impacted forest.

Congratulations to Natalia for receiving a National Geographic Young Explorer award to make this trip a reality! Here are a few choice pictures from the week.

Making a plan. Jesse (blue hat) was our guide in 2017. This trip we were lucky to be joined by Santos, a local fisherman with deep knowledge of the area.
Tambillo. Best village in Cayapas-Mataje.
Bringing the coconuts to market.
You don’t see many dugout canoes in Cayapas-Mataje, though I understand that they’re more common among the indigenous villagers up-river.
Shrimp farm in Cayapas-Mataje. So much nitrogen…
Measuring tree height. Some of the mangroves in Cayapas-Mataje are so high that you wouldn’t believe it if I told you how high (64 meters).
Crabs. Ecologically important. Very camera shy.
Natalia with Jesse’s boat “Los Reyes del Manglar” (The Kings of the Mangroves)
Santos with cockles. Cayapas-Mataje supports a major artisinal cockle fishery (see here).
It’s a jungle…
Where’s Natalia?
After a hard days work.
Borbón, our home for the week. Town motto: We make every night an all-night dance party because we can!
Sampling in the mangroves.
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