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- A simple solution for continuous, real-time monitoring with the Seabird SUNAV2 over RS232
- New postdoctoral position in pathogen ecology
- Seeking postdoc in phytoplankton ecology
- Recent blog post by PhD student Beth Connors
- New paper: Antarctic metagenomes reveal novel microbial diversity
- New postdoctoral research opportunity!
- Alignment and phylogenetic inference with hmmalign and RAxML-ng
- New paper on using machine learning to predict biogeochemistry from microbial community structure
- Lab manager position open!
- New paper on protein adaptations to high salinity and low temperature
- Tutorial: altering an existing NPZ model
- New paper on detecting successful mitigation of sulfide production
- New paper connecting aerosol optical depth to sea ice cover and ocean color
- Sampling mangroves in Florida’s Indian River Lagoon
- New paper on microbial community structure in coastal Southern California
- New paper on microbial life in hypersaline environments
- New paper on shrimp aquaculture in mangrove forests
- A short tutorial on Gnu Parallel
- New paper on microbial community dynamics in up-flow bioreactors
- New paper linking the SCCOOS and AGAGE datasets
- Finding those lost data files
- A dispatch from MOSAiC Leg 4 #2
- MOSAiC Interview on The Not Old-Better Show
- A dispatch from MOSAiC Leg 4
- Looking back to South Bay Salt Works 2019
- Tutorial: SuperSOMS and an R script for detecting regions of interest
- Tutorial: Self Organizing Maps in R
- MOSAiC Leg 3
- CUREing microbes ASBMB2020 presentation
- “Frozen in the Ice: Exploring the Arctic” – a MOSAiC MOOC
- Five lessons from my first quarter of graduate school
- Photos from MOSAiC Leg 1
- CURE-ing Microbes on Ocean Plastics Video
- Article in San Diego Union Tribune
- Antarctic ecosystem services paper published
- MOSAiC is go!
- Cayapas-Mataje Redux
- Sentinel North International PhD School
- Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture
- OAST visits the South Bay Saltworks