Microbial session at POLAR 2018 in Davos

Davos, Switzerland, site of the POLAR2018 conference.  Image from https://www.inghams.co.uk

With colleagues Maria Corsaro, Eric Collins, Maria Tutino, Jody Deming, and Julie Dinasquet I’m convening a session on polar microbial ecology and evolution at the upcoming POLAR2018 conference in Davos, Switzerland.  Polar2018 is shaping up to be a unique and excellent conference; for the first time (I think) the major international Arctic science organization (IASC) is joining forces with the major international Antarctic science organization (SCAR) for a joint meeting.  Because many polar scientists specialize in one region, and thus have few opportunities to learn from the other, a joint meeting will be a great opportunity to share ideas.

Here’s the full-text description for our session.  If your work is related to microbial evolution, adaption, or ecological function in the polar regions I hope you’ll consider applying!

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