New postdoctoral research opportunity!

Andrew Barton ( and Jeff Bowman ( at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego are recruiting a postdoc to study interactions among marine microbes, inferred from regular genomic measurements and cell images taken at Scripps Pier ( Possible research areas include but are not limited to: quantifying the strength and direction of microbial interactions, identifying “keystone” microbial taxa, and assessing how microbial interactions shape ecosystem function. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in ecology, marine biology, or related disciplines, and proficiency in data science techniques, machine learning, novel statistical methods, and/or numerical modeling approaches for studying natural populations and communities. Please direct qualified candidates to contact Andrew Barton ( for more information. We anticipate filling the open position by Fall 2023. 

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One Response to New postdoctoral research opportunity!

  1. Avatar photo Jeff says:

    Position has been filled!

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