Photos from MOSAiC Leg 1

Many thank to atmospheric chemist extraordinaire Jessie Creamean for participating in our NSF project on MOSAiC Leg 1. Jessie’s participation allowed us to have a physical presence during the critical setup phase and freeze in. Her participation was a double win; she has her own DOE funded project with MOSAiC that didn’t include ship time, while our project needed a capable hand for Leg 1. I’ll be picking up where she left off when Leg 3 starts in just a couple of weeks. Jessie shared a few photos from Leg 1.

Jessie Creamean with Akademic Federov in the background.
Checking out a crack in the ice. The ice has been much more dynamic than expected, creating some problems for installing the various observational instruments.
A beautiful view of Polarstern at the onset of the polar night.
Frost flowers! Still a special place in my heart after all these years…
The Russian icebreaker Kapitan Dranitsyn, which will be ferrying the Leg 2 and Leg 3 personnel to Polarstern.
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