Sea ice biogeochemistry postdoc position

The author takes a break from skiing on the slopes above the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Rothera Station (out of frame to the right).  In contrast to the USAP, the BAS encourages outdoor education and recreation among visiting scientists to facilitate safer and more efficient fieldwork.

This could be you!  The author takes a break from skiing on the slopes above the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Rothera Station (out of frame to the right). In contrast to the USAP, the BAS encourages outdoor education and recreation among visiting scientists to facilitate safer and more efficient fieldwork.

There’s a great sea ice biogeochemistry/microbiology postdoc position open in Jaqueline Stefels group at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.  Jaqueline is one of the leading experts on the marine sulfur cycle and the project focuses on the DMS/DMSP dynamics within sea ice (see this post).  The position includes fieldwork at Rothera Station, one of the most idyllic places in Antarctica (all the scenery of Palmer Station with none of the silliness of the USAP).  Position announcement embedded below.

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