Dense algal growth at the bottom of sea ice cores from our Tent Island site. Photo: Shelly Carpenter.
Everything takes longer on a cold, windy day and we had a couple of extra samples to collect. By the time the helicopter came to pick us up we were exhausted. After a good night’s sleep we’re ready for our final sampling effort – our fourth and hopefully final attempt on Taylor Glacier! Right now the weather looks promising, if it holds for a few more hours we’ll have it…
Whenever we bring samples back from the field we start melting them immediately so that we can filter them as quickly as possible. When I opened our sampling bins last night to start melting the samples I was greeted with a very strong odor that I should have anticipated. The samples, particularly the more algae rich samples from the ice core bottoms, reeked of sulfur. The smell was very much like what you might find at a tidal mud flat, but much stronger. The source of the smell is the same in both cases; a compound with the fancy name dimethylsulfanopropianate, or DMSP for short. DMSP is a small hydrocarbon molecule that also contains the element sulfur. When algae or phytoplankton are stressed (for example when trapped in newly forming ice, or on a rapidly drying mudflat) they release this compound. In sea ice DMSP is though to help the ice algae cope with the rapidly changing salinity caused by ice formation.

Water vapor is a potent and abundant greenhouse case. Altering the distribution and structure of water vapor through cloud formation can have a significant impact on climate. Image by Robert Rhode for Global Warming Art.
Clouds are basically water vapor, and water vapor is a very potent greenhouse gas. Scientists are still unsure of how exactly clouds impact climate, and how clouds might change as climate changes. One idea is that high altitude clouds have a different impact on climate than low altitude clouds. Both reflect and absorb solar energy and energy radiated from the Earth’s surface. Clouds must radiate the energy they absorb, how that energy is radiated is determined by the cloud’s temperature. One implication might be that cold high altitude clouds warm the atmosphere less than warm low altitude clouds. Consider a bloom of ice algae in relatively warm water underlying a cold atmosphere and producing copious quantities of a powerful nucleator. The resulting clouds will be very low in the atmosphere.
We don’t really know how communities of ice algae and ice microbes are changing with a changing climate, nor do we know how communities of phytoplankton and marine bacteria are changing. Without that knowledge we can’t predict how biology will influence cloud formation in the future. Taking it a step further we can see the full circle: climate changes biology, which changes clouds, which impacts climate, which further changes biology. It’s an interesting problem, there are three different interactions here that we know very little about!